Yazidi women condemn the KDP betrayal against the guerrilla

TAJÊ condemned the KDP’s betrayal against the Kurdistan guerrillas and called on the people of South Kurdistan not to remain silent towards the KDP’s betrayal.

The Free Yazidi Women’s Movement (TAJÊ) made a statement in Shengal concerning the KDP’s cooperation with the Turkish state and the attacks against freedom fighters.

TAJÊ Foreign Relations Spokeswoman Siham Dexil read out the press statement, which stressed that if there was no guerrilla resistance, South Kurdistan would be occupied, and the Kurdish people would be massacred by the invading Turkish state within 24 hours.

“In cooperation with the KDP, the invading Turkish state launched a large-scale military operation against South Kurdistan in April 2021. The freedom guerrillas are putting up outstanding resistance against this invasion by the Turkish state and the KDP’s betrayal. If there was no guerrilla resistance, South Kurdistan would be occupied, and the Kurdish people would be massacred by the invading Turkish state within 24 hours. The guerrilla forces protect the Kurdish people and the people of the region in these lands through their resistance and heroism. The Turkish state has used chemical weapons hundreds of times against the guerrillas and carried out bombardments by warplanes. However, it is certain that the invading Turkish state will not succeed.

Whenever the Kurdish people get closer to victory and freedom and the invading Turkish state is defeated, the KDP shows up and attacks. In the last two years, the KDP attacked and ambushed the guerrillas 3 times. 9 guerrillas of this people were martyred by the treacherous KDP. The KDP betrayal has surpassed the brutality and fascism of the Turkish state. Although a year has passed, the bodies of the guerrillas who were martyred in Xelifan have not been handed over to their families by the KDP.

In a recent incident that took place in Xelifan two days ago, the Turkish state bombed the guerrillas by drone, and the KDP attacked them on the ground. The KDP has passed into the history of Kurdistan as a traitor. The betrayal of the KDP against the Yazidi people on August 3, 2014 is similar to the betrayal against the Kurdish people today. When we look at history, we see that people have always lost their freedom and achievements because of internal betrayals.

As the TAJÊ, we call on the women, youth and people of South Kurdistan to react to this betrayal, not to remain silent, and to stand with their children. We also call on all Kurdish people, especially women and young people, not to allow the betrayal of the KDP, to take a common stance and to support the guerrilla resistance. Resistance will triumph, betrayal and occupation will be defeated.”

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