Internationalists from Germany join photo-campaign in solidarity with YJŞ

As part of the international campaign “Against Feminicide – Be the voice of self-defense” TAJÊ called on everyone to send pictures in solidarity with the Women’s Protection Units YJŞ: “To take a stand for the right of self-defense and to express our solidarity with YJŞ, we invite you to take pictures in solidarity with YJŞ, as part of our campaign ‘Against Feminicide – be the voice of self-defense!’. Use the slogan ‘YJŞ is our honor!’ and show the flag of YJŞ.”
Internationalists from Germany joined the campaign and sent photos and videos.
Internationalists from Celle joined the Photo campaign asking for the recognition of YJŞ.
Also women from Hannover sent solidarity and greetings to Şengal by joining the photo campaign.
Internationalist women and other oppressed genders also joined the photo campaign by carrying posters with the flag of YJŞ, the logo of the campaign as well as a poster saying “Fighting together. By self-organization we will stop feminicides”.
In Celle, a city with a huge Êzidî population, women remembered Êzidî and other international resisting women on April, 30. April, 30 is the so-called “Night of Walpurgis”, in which is thought of women, who were killed during the witch hunt in Europe.
In Hamburg, a city in Northern Germany, women joined the “Take back the night”-demonstration on April 30th with posters about Şengal. “Take back the night”-demonstrations are a form of feminist protest to reclaim spaces for women in the night, without the fear of being assaulted or attacked. The posters said “Jin, Jiyan, Azadî!”, “Disarm patriarchy. Stop wars!”, “Against feminicide worldwide!” “Stop the feminicide and genocide in Şengal, Kurdistan and worldwide now!
In Tübingen, a city in Southern Germany, internationalists joined the YJŞ-photo campaign stating “YJŞ is our honor!” on first of May. First of May is a traditional Worker’s Day celebrated with protests and demonstrations. After the demonstration in Tübingen, around 70 people came together to express their solidarity with YJŞ and the resistance in Şengal. Furthermore, the night before, a tree to remember women, who were killed through feminicides, was re-established in Tübingen.
During the Fifth Internationalist Conference in Solidarity with Kurdistan in April more than 40 people from different organizations in Germany came together to show their solidarity with YJŞ. While carrying the flag of YJŞ and two posters stating “YJŞ is our honor!” in Kurdish and German, they expressed their support for the resistance in Şengal.