TAJÊ member says only guerrillas helped them to liberate Shengal

TAJÊ member Kinê Xidir said that the resistance in Shengal was carried out thanks to the Kurdistan Freedom Guerrillas and added: “Only the guerrillas were with us during the massacre, they also helped us to realize our dream of liberating Shengal.”
Kinê Xidir, a member of the Yazidi Women’s Freedom Movement (TAJÊ), talked to ANF about the liberation of Shengal on its 7th anniversary. Xidir emphasized that Shengal, which was captured by ISIS mercenaries on 3 August 2014, was liberated thanks to the paradigm of Kurdish people’s leader Abdullah Öcalan and the spirit of freedom of the Kurdistan Freedom Guerrilla.
She said: “Congratulations to Leader Apo, the guerrillas and the Yazidi community on the anniversary of the liberation of Shengal.”
Xidir spoke about the genocide carried out by ISIS mercenaries against Shengal and the Yazidis on 3 August 2014: “Young children died in their mothers’ arms fleeing the genocide and their mothers had to bury them in the middle of the desert.”
Only guerrillas were with us
Drawing attention to the betrayal of the KDP during that period, Kinê Xidir said: “Three of our youth who demanded weapons in the village of Zorava were killed by KDP members during the withdrawal of KDP forces from Shengal. The KDP’s betrayal was not only a betrayal of the Yazidis, but of all Kurds.”
Xidir, who stated that the 11 months of resistance and struggle in Shengal were carried out thanks to the freedom guerrillas, continued: “Only the guerrillas were with us during the massacre. They came to fight for us, they were sharing their bread and water with us.”
Xidir shared her memories of the guerrillas who first arrived in Shengal: “At first, I saw two female guerrilla friends. One was called Bihar, the other was Netewî. As soon as I saw them, I asked, ‘Are you affiliated with the KDP?’ They said, ‘No, we are guerrillas, we have come to save you’. A female friend named Netewî told us that we could either move to Rojava or stay with them and together liberate Shengal. We said that we were happy as if we were born again, and stayed and took part in the resistance with them.”
We will never forget the guerrillas
Stressing that no force other than HPG, YJA Star, YPG, YPJ and YBŞ contributed to the liberation of Shengal, Kinê Xidir continued: “The liberation of Shengal was our biggest dream and that’s why we celebrated that day, because this success was a bit of a balm for our wounds.”
Calling for unity among the Yazidi community, Xidir said: “As the Yazidi community and Yazidi women, we will never forget that massacre, the betrayal and the resistance. In particular, we will always remember the labor and struggle of the guerrillas. All Yazidis must never forget what happened so that a similar massacre does not happen to them again. Finally, through you, I send my greetings to Leader Apo, all friends in prison and all guerrillas.”